After whale watching, we spent the afternoon swimming and eventually wandered down to the resort's market for a pinata (more pictures to come when Jim figures out where he has put his camera's memory card). The girls were dressed in their Mexican flea market dresses, which reminded me of when I was a little girl and we went down to San Antonio for a wedding. We went to the San Antonio market and bought colorful mumus--one for each of us and for our cousin Andrea. Evie was very proud of her "Rainbow Princess Dress" and Cora and Millie looked beautiful, too!
With the beautiful and stylish Aunt Kate:

The pinata was a lot of fun, and after the kids all had a turn the adults were allowed to whack it, too (again, pictures on Jim's missing memory card):
Evie kept all the leftover bits and pieces of the pinata:
We hadn't planned to go to the Mexican fiesta (besides going to the pinata), but after a strong mango margarita and when the Mariachi band started up, we just couldn't resist. So we headed down to join in the festivities.
Mexican fiesta-ers:
Evie met a real Mexican princess. Millie was scared of her.
We spent a lot of time eating our faces off while we were in Mexico. All you can eat buffets were in abundance and we ate and drank all we could. The food was really good.
Jim enjoyed his tequila shot (worn around his neck).
Unfortunately, after all the whale watching, swimming, pinata hitting and princess meeting, Evie wasn't able to stay awake for the amazing Mexican dancing that was too come:
But Kate and Cora got picked out of the crowd to dance with the "old men."
There was lots of stomping and swirling of skirts and sword dancing and all the dancers were really good, I thought. (as a side note, we also saw some other styles of dancing during dinner a few nights before, where the costumes were less demure and the women wore lots of feathers and sparkles. The men liked that performance better).
And, the Mexican hat dance!
After all the eating and drinking and whale watching and dancing, our party began to drop like flies. Try as we might to keep on going, we ended up heading back to our apartment at 8:30 when they started playing stupid drinking games on the stage.
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