The London Zoo, despite the cold weather, was full of action. I saw everything that I have always hoped to see at the zoo...and some things that I could have lived without seeing, like these amorous Zebra type things in the Out of Africa exhibit. I stuck around to realize what they were up to and then I got out of their little house:

These Meercats had the right idea, huddling together under the heat lamp in their "cave." They were very cruious about the camera.

These "Peckish Penguins" thought that the zoo keeper cleaning out their pond was going to feed them, so they all followed him with great enthusiasm as he made his way around.

And this pink pelican looked a little chilly. More colorful than our Louisiana State bird the Brown Pelican! They turn pink when they are ready to breed:

I also saw the lion being fed and then roaring for more and two vipers slowly eating a mouse each. Fortunately, the mice were dead before the vipers got to eat them. I think it would have been a little too graphic for them to kill and eat the mice in front of all the kiddies (and me).
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