After we escaped the masses at the Tate Modern, we walked across the Millenium Bridge to St. Paul's, where we were denied entrance and didn't get to walk to the top after all...or even walk inside. But Jim looked pretty cute standing in front of it.

I took this picture of the Millenium Bridge to show how many people there were walking across. The funniest part about it is that you can see Dan walking, front and center, across the bridge. He was also just coming from the Tate Modern as well, but we didn't know it until we ran into him on the steps of St. Paul's (after this picture was taken). Random.

After getting rejected from St. Paul's cathedral, we joined Dan and his cousins for a drink at Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese (founded in 1667 and one of the many places Mark Twain used to drink). There were many merry makers there and lots of raucous singing of "God Save the Queen" going on. We were also asked if we were Canadians...and we fessed up that we were not (but it was tempting to be Canadian for a few minutes).

I was feeling pretty happy after my first pint and the evening continued with lots more pints, some good Vietenamese food (sp?), good fun with friends (we caught up with Meg and two other friends of Dan and Meg's), and a ride back to Greenwich on the drunk train. London on the tube on the weekends at the end of the night can be pretty entertaining.

"I love Bitters! I'm Canadian..I mean, American!"
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