In Tarifa, we stayed in Casa Amarilla (the yellow house), which was a self-catering apartment along the main street.

Tarifa is known for it's wind and is also on the Southern tip of Spain, so we could see Africa off in the distance. We wanted to go to Morroco, and actually were about to get on the ferry when it broke down due to "technical difficulties." So, we decided to refund our tickets and do something else, rather than sit around waiting for a ferry that may or may not leave the port. We'll just have to go to Africa some other time.
Jim with Africa in the background:

Spain has lots of windmills and solar panels. You can barely see the windmills up on the mountain in the background.

Kite surfing and windsurfing are big in Tarifa. There were some pretty amazing kites on the beach and Jim and I had flashbacks to Dad's giant kite in North Carolina. Next time we fly that one, we want to get a kite skateboard and go rolling down the beach.

Our room (with a kitchenette):

The Tarifa market wasn't that impressive...except for the fish!

It is obvious why I felt compelled to have my picture taken with this sign:

This was the cutest dog in Spain! He hangs out at a cafe where we got coffee one morning. He was cross eyed and really reminded us of Buster.

After our first day in Tarifa, we decided we needed a break from the surfer/hippy attitude so we took our rental car and drove about 20 minutes down the road in search of some sand dunes. The drive was really beautiful (as usual):

And the beach and dunes were unbelievable. There were a few local fisherman on the beach but very few other tourists and no one else up on the dune. We walked along the beach and then cut through the woods for a while before ended up on the dunes:

Sand dunes are one of Jim's favorite things!

The view from the top of the dunes:

Back on the beach we were wishing it was a little warmer:

Back in Tarifa, the young people were chillin outside of the church.

We had worked up an appetite, so we went to eat at this DELICIOUS RESTAURANT (it tied for best restaurant of the trip). If you go to Tarifa, you should definitely go here:

I was excited about my meal!

We were getting close to the end of our trip, but still had Ronda and Malaga to go!

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