We started out in Snodland (founded by Mr. Snod). We were very amused by the name and also by the beautiful papermill, which we tried to feature in this group picture, but blocked with our heads:

Proud to be from Snodland:

Ok, no more making fun of Snodland, or I'm going to get hate mail from offended Snodlanders (snort!).
It's spring and things are growing. There was a Jim growing in this field:

Some of us were having a little trouble with the hills on this walks:

But not Aurelie:

We came across a skeleton in a phone booth:

And the bluebells were looking in full bloom!

Dan found some metal:

It's always good to get to the pub. Especially when the sun is shining and you can sit outside!

Dan brought Kinder Eggs. They are so fun!Jim got a Mexican hermit crab, which was appropriate for Cinco de Mayo:

After lunch we had a rest in park for about fifteen minutes, then we saw this gnome house:

THis was an interesting piece of equipment. Dad probably knows what it is:

Another rest in a clover field, where we listened to Michael Jackson's Billy Jean and made clover chains:

A lot of time was spent photographing this tank.

Good times! We have some video footage oft he day, but have to get permission from others involved before posting it. Dan can sing Billy Jean.

1 comment:
hi jim,
hope you are indeed the same jim who once lived in the river oaks apartments and once jammed in my garage in baytown and dined lavishly on hors d'ouevres at cafe brasil. said you liked my paintings; now am not so sure i heard you correctly. i know you build things and probably mourn the collapse of eighties architecture. i know you spent time in amsterdam where the air is sometimes heavy. wondered where you've been and why england. i must say that this is probably the funniest blog i've visited in a while. there are others but they can't approach the humor in your pictures/text. stay in touch.. or don't - your call. regards - jim in baytown.
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